Uniform semi-automatic pressure sensitive tape case sealing
Case Sealing Automation
E-Commerce Food Processing General Manufacturing
Random Semi-Automatic Case Sealer
Random Semi-Auto Side Belt Drive Case Sealer • Construction is reinforced to handle larger, heavier cases • Offset taping heads permit processing cases as low as 2" tall • Horizontal infeed side rails with roller bed to reduce operator fatigue
Random Semi-Automatic Bottom Only Case Sealer
Random Semi-Automatic Bottom Only Case Sealer with a side belt drive ideally suited to process narrow cases. Heavy-duty construction will process up to 85 lb. cases. Indexing gate to properly position the case for processing. Unique “Clear” push button to clear jams and replace bottom tape roll. 1⁄3 HP motor...
Uniform Semi-Automatic Case Sealer
Uniform Semi-Auto Oversized Case Sealer • Processes large sized cases • 4" tall drive belts • High torque motors can process heavier cases
Uniform Semi-Automatic Bottom Belt Case Sealer
IPG’s Interpack™ USC case sealers are part of the USA SERIES Uniform Semi-Automatic family. The USC 2024-BB is a bottom belt drive case sealer designed and constructed for low to medium volume applications. This adjustable, operator fed machine processes same sized RSC style cases. Every Interpack case sealer comes with...